Rusty had his left hind leg amputated due to cancer on 9/14/17. He is scheduled for his stitches to come out on 9/28/17, exactly 2 weeks from his surgery. I don’t know who is looking forward to it more, us or him! He has been moving around quite well with the cone on but we have limited him to a 48″x30″ dog crate. Once the cone is off and the stitches are out, this will be expanded.
I am a little nervous because we are also meeting with the oncologist at the same time. His cancer was determined to be HSA, a cancer that is more common for dogs and can be highly aggressive. Positive thing is they did not see any traces of cancer when they ran tests before his surgery. Negative-not always seen.
Fingers crossed!!
I have fingers, toes and paws crossed!!
Will be saying tons of prayers for Rusty. Please keep us posted on Rusty’s progress and don’t hesitate to call the helpline if you need someone to talk to!! We can’t always answer but if you leave a message we will call back.
Best of luck – keep us updated OK???!!!!
Sending happy and healthy thoughts!
Julie and Tripawd Alumni Spirit Buddy
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Gina Reilly is at GSVS Pet Hospital.
16 hrs · Tinton Falls, NJ ·
No chemo! From what they can currently tell, Cancer completely removed. Now just do checks every few months for the first year then can spread out.
Stitches are out. Area is a little scabby so they said keep the cone for another week BUT he can be cage free!!! I was told that I can put some neosporin on it to help with the healing process. I got a little bit on it this morning but not much. He wasn’t in love with that.
Thank you so much. Rusty is cancer free for now. No chemo is needed, again for now. His stitches have come out and he is now cone free. He is getting around pretty well. Both of us are learning what he can and cannot do, what I can help with, etc. His appetite is remarkable. I am blessed for this outcome!
I am very grateful to everyone on this site.
Hey Rusty! WOW that is great news about the HSA diagnosis. Just another way Trikitties are SO pawesome!
Hope you are doing well my friend!
We were terrified when we were reading up on HSA. It seemed so horrible. The vet did say it is slower moving in cats then dogs, at least in him. They did some test about the growth of the cells in his leg and they said from the slowness they were fairly confident we got it before it spread. The blood work (calcium levels) were lower too. We will have to keep an eye on him and do our follow up appointments.