Mommy said to tell you guys that I am still doing awesome. She said something about visiting Dr. Scott at the end of the month, October 28, to remove the pesky bump on my right shoulder. I told her we don’t have to go but she won’t listen. I still catch my squeaky mousy and roll around with my carrot… Sometimes right on that spot. No problems!
The procedure was delayed because of a packed surgery schedule for “Saint” Dr. Scott as Mommy calls him. He says it is like a cyst, only on the surface. Saint or not, I will make sure that Mommy knows how much I don’t want to go see him, especially in the car on the way there. Once I am there with Dr. Scott, I usually calm down and try to be a good boy for him. But maybe I can convince her not to go… 🤞
In the meantime I’ll just take another nap on Mommy’s side of the bed. I wish she would learn it is really my side of the bed that she can borrow sometimes.
I also heard Mommy was spreading rumors about me in a Onsie after surgery. I will have to see if this is Bunnyman approved! Thank goodness no cone of shame can be used this time. I can assure you, the cone they used after my original surgery was NOT Bunnyman approved! I hear rumors that if I flop over and act like I am paralyzed when the vet techs put the onsie on me, they may try other options. I could get some cool bandages like an old fashion war veteran… gauze wrapped around my whole shoulder and body for a few little stitches. Which one will get me more sympathy and therefore treats and scritches? Things to contemplate in the weeks to come!
I will have Mommy update everyone once I have my surgery.
Head Scritches and Sandpaper kisses.
Rusty the Bunnyman and his Hoomin scribe Gina