Two years since diagnosis…

Blessed to see this little face… two years since diagnosis and going strong.😻

Around this day two years ago, I noticed Rusty’s back leg was swollen.  A few days later the trips to the doctor began, first thinking that it was an injury, then an infection, and finally after a few weeks determining it was cancer.

( The complete story of our journey, including the photos of Rusty, home improvements for Rusty and more can be found here

Rusty’s 2nd ampuversary  is in September.  He will probably celebrate in a kitty cat onesie.  The lump on his shoulder will be removed around the same time. (Dr. Scott is pretty certain it is a cyst.) It will still be the best 2nd anniversary that we could think of ever celebrating.

We have so much to be thankful for every day:

  • That we saw this soon enough to take care of it
  • Rusty’s Grandma, we were fortunate enough to be able to act on this and give our Bunnyman a chance at a wonderful continued life.
  • Rusty’s Auntie Barb
    • Went to every appointment with us to make sure we were hearing everything that was being said.
    • Helped calm Mommy down when Rusty refused his meds
    • Helped Mommy get him into the carrier after the surgery when she thought she was going to rip open his stitches.
    • Still helps care for him when his hoomins have to go away

We were also blessed to find this site and the people here to help us through every life changing moment.

He has continued to bring us so much joy  and has become an even more loving creature than he was before- allowing belly rubs (by certain people) and lots of head scritches, hanging out with family and friends when they visit, cuddling with his humans every night  and just being a wonderful Lord and Master for us to serve.

Thank you to everyone here for their support of Rusty the Bunnyman and his humble hoomin servants.

Head Scritches and Sand Paper Kisses for all.

Gina, Nick and Rusty our Bunnyman.

Author: reilly95

Aug/Sept ‘17, the back leg of Rusty was swollen. HSA cancer was diagnosed. Back left leg amputated. He remained cancer free over 900 days. Cancer returned as of emergency visit on day 931. 15 days later, he gained his wings 04/18/2020 due to congestive heart failure.

3 thoughts on “Two years since diagnosis…”

  1. Awwww Rusty, you are still totally adorable! And your mom and dad are totally on their game to have been able to catch this and take care of it right away.
    Sorry you will be in a onesie for your Ampuversary but I am thrilled that you will be here to celebrate it.
    Head scritches to you and hugs to your pawrents. You totally rock, handsome boy!
    Jackie and Huck

  2. WOW! I can’t believe it’s been two years, and am so glad you shared the celebration with us!

    Rusty is looking so smoochable. How wonderful that he is otherwise his old self. Great job to all of you, three-paws up!

    I’m thinking we’ll need a fashion show spread with that new onesie. We will keep our paws crossed for a B9 cyst so let us know how it goes.

    And give that pawesome kitty a smooch from all of us!!!

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